Face Peel with PRP west st paul mn

What Is a Facial Peel With PRP?

Facial peels combined with the healing powers of platelet rich plasma or PRP, and Fractional laser skin resurfacing can create an effective treatment to treat the signs of aging. This treatment can help to stimulate elastin and collagen production, improve skin tone, and provide results that last. This treatment does not require any downtime, and patients can return to their normal routine directly afterwards.

How Does the Process Work?

Depending on the target areas and condition of your skin will determine if a chemical peel is necessary prior to your laser and PRP treatment. If needed, we will apply a topical chemical peel prior to starting treatment to remove old and dead skin cells. The peel prepares your skin for the laser, and acts as a pre-treatment. 

Our powerful yet gentle Fraxel laser uses laser energy to create micro channels deep into the skin. This creates small injuries and signals the skin to initiate healing. The healing process causes the skin to create new and healthy cells, and stimulate both collage and elastin production. Platelet Rich Plasma is then used after the Fraxel laser to stimulate the regeneration of cells, and rejuvenate your skin. PRP has natural healing properties, and reduces a patient’s healing time.
Face Peel with PRP in west st paul mn
Face Peel with PRP st paul mn

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

When you come in for a facial peel with PRP we will clean the area and apply a topical numbing cream to keep your comfortable. A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm, and this blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma, creating PRP. We will start with the fractional laser peel over your skin to microscopic injuries or pores in the dermis layer. Once the peel is complete, we apply the Fractional laser over your skin to create microscopic injuries in the dermis layer. The PRP is then gently applied on to your skin. The PRP enters the microscopic injuries or pores created by the laser, and this helps to provide a deep skin rejuvenating treatment that promotes collagen and elastin production, improves tone and texture, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of facial peels combined with the Fraxel laser and PRP, contact Cherokee Dental Clinic to find out more. Let our team help you get that youthful glow with our anti-aging treatments. Our treatments help to tone and tighten your skin while diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. 

To schedule your skin consultation with us, contact Cherokee Dental Clinic to schedule your appointment.

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